Drayo Ryuune 「竜音ドラヨ」

UTAU Voicebank Basics for Beginners

This is very basic core starting tutorial, more advanced stuff can be found online for additional informations.

Creating a Character before or after making a Voicelibrary is optional.

What is needed for making a Voicebank:

  • A Microphone of any capacity (very cheap or build-in equals usually bad sound, but still can be used),
  • Recording SW,
  • optionally a Audio editing SW,
  • Reclist for recording the samples,
  • SW for Otoing,
  • Text editor,
  • Image editor/convertor,
  • UTAU / OpenUTAU.

Note: The original UTAU requires to have the System switched to Japanese Local for using it properly, for using Japanese Characters the Option has to be enabled in the System or You're System will display a garble of Symbols known as Mojibake.

Basic terminology

  • Voicebank / Voice Library = reffering to the Folder / Package (if shared) containing all the needed voice data of a Character
  • Reclist = text file including a set of lines of needed voice samples for making a library
  • Otoing = setting of Voice coordinates/presets in a wav sample located in the oto.ini file
  • Alias / Offset / Overlap / Preutterance / Consonant / Cutoff = Voice coordinates/presets used in the Oto.ini file to make it work in the UTAU, more in the Otoing Process
  • C / V = C stands for Consonant, V Stands for Vowel, It is used for the basic terminology to describe a Voicebank's Style/Type (outside other formats)
  • Voicebank Type = The Format in which is the Voicebank "encoded", common types are CV, CVVC, VCV for Japanese, for other Languages the most used format is CVVC, but as well VCCV and other user made up variations, not including Arpasing, Diffsinger etc.
  • Romaji = Latin/Roman alphabet writting
  • Hiragana / Katakana / Kanji = Japanese alphabet writting
  • Kana = My short naming for including Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji
  • Shift-JIS = Japanese encoding format used in text, You need either have switched the Systems Locale to make them readable or use a setting in the text editor to switch formats
  • Resampler/Wavetool = These are small extension of the Program and used to generate the singing, depending on the voice they may have to be used different than the build-ins.

Recording SW

Editing SW

Otoing SW

Text Editor