Drayo Ryuune 「竜音ドラヨ」

About UTAU

What is UTAU?:
Utau is a vocal synthesizer for use in music projects.

When was UTAU created?:
UTAU was created by user Ameya/Ayame in 2008.

Is UTAU free?:
UTAU is shareware, advanced features are locked behind a paywall, otherwise it is 100% usable for free for regular users.

What are the paid variants?:
The original paid product is called Vocaloid, now others are available such as Syntesizer V, CeVIO and others.

What is the difference between UTAU and Vocaloid (and others)?:
UTAU has the biggest advantage over Vocaloid that the user can create their own voice library or download a library from other users.

Are there other similar programs?:
There are projects that work on a similar principle to DeepVocal and NiaoNiao. Then there is OpenUTAU which is an opensource variant of the original UTAU.

Synthesized vocals are in What languages?:
UTAU was originally created to synthesize vocals in Japanese, now there are several languages ​​supported by the community, mostly English.

How do I create my own voice library?:
Creating it is not complicated, there are several tutorials available, I created my own for beginners here.